We make baked potatoes in coals of our campfire all the time. Wash the potatos, and leave them a little wet. Then, wrap them in aluminum foil. Place them in and around the coals for about 30 mins and check them. Most will find that 30 mins is plenty of time to cook a potato to a good consistency.
- Eric
--- In tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com, "Sandra" <sandra.rutan@...> wrote:
> You can pack your steaks in a cooler with some dry ice - guaranteed to stay frozen! How about a Dutch oven for the baked potatoes and instead of a large one for each person, lots of little ones?
> Sandra Rutan
> --- In tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com, "Carol" <clkelley564@> wrote:
> >
> > One time shortly after I bought my T@B, I had the fridge turned all the way up to 5 and some of the items actually froze in there.
> >
> > That got me to thinking. Has anyone put frozen items in there, had it turned to 5 and the items stayed frozen for a day or two??
> >
> > I'm transporting about 20 steaks to a cookout down in Florida. We'll be leaving Thursday morning and the cookout isn't until Saturday night. Normally we buy perishables locally as needed, but we get great deals on meat here locally and had them on hand and didn't want to pay again. I just don't want to trust a cooler and ice for that amount of time (in Florida, no less).
> >
> > Also, does anybody had any success with making baked potatoes in charcoal?? How long, etc. Our tiny toaster oven won't make 20 potatoes in any reasonable amount of time.
> >
> > Thanks!!
> >
> > Carol
> > Mouse-ke-T@b
> > #2741 2007 Clamshell
> > www.mouseketab.blogspot.com
> >
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