Well, I have a bathroom and I love it! I have the Thetford cassette flush toilet that operates on either electric, battery or, if I'm completely out of power (boon docking, for example), I keep a water bottle on-hand to rinse the bowl after use. There's no door on the bathroom (it fell off on my maiden voyage) and I've never replaced it--I just pull down the shades and lock the door!
The layout is definitely altered by the bathroom--the AC is higher and further aft (it makes a great table!). This impacts forward/aft sleepers, as it impedes the port/starboard space (makes it more narrow). However, two people can probably sleep comfortably. I don't know 'cause I sleep the other way--feet and head port and starboard (wheel to wheel). I'm 5'5" tall. I love to sleep in what I call the "womb", the curved space in the rear most location. However, I am the night waterer so when I have a guest, I sleep on the side closest to the bathroom.
I bought two plastic cabinets for the bathroom that stack. They flip open (top down). I got them from Ikea and they're mounted to the wall with sticky tape since they're so light. When I have a guest, each of us gets our own drawer. In mine I store hand wipes, toilet paper (which I dispose of in a small trash can tucked into the corner) and the water bottle for rinsing, if necessary. Eventually I'm going to get a decal stick-on mirror but for now I use a small mirror mounted on a stand. I keep a vase of silk flowers on the "vanity".
I can't say enough about my bathroom! However, you could definitely carve out a similar space for a port-a-potty. I like the "wag bag" idea since I have a "no poop" policy. I talked to the big RVers and they also modify and limit their bathroom use--no one likes pumping or emptying waste! I empty the cassette about every three days (it's just me). It slides out of the side of the T@B and I smuggle it into the bathroom when I take a shower. When no one's around, I just pour it down the toilet!
Funny story: when I first got Tawanda and I went on my first trip, I stopped at a rest stop, where I went looking for a bathroom! Now, I just step in, close the blinds, flush and continue on! It's great!
Here's a picture of the cabinets (the toilet is just out of site). There's just enough knee room. Eventually I'm going to hinge the storage door behind the toilet so it opens down and acts like a seat--then I'll have my very own vanity area! I love playing with my t@b!
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