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Re: [tabtrailers] Re: Weather Radio


As you mention any weather radio would be a good but one I have found that the TV stations seem to back the "MIDLAND" weather radio that you program for your county called "SAME"
Specific Area Message Encoding - or SAME - to alert you to weather or other emergencies when they threaten your area.
This was from CH 5 in Nashville
But we also had the same thing in Akron OHIO when we lived up there (they seem to like Midland) But I know Radio Shack also has one like it but much more expensive.
The TV station will go to a local grocer and have emergency people program your Weather radio FREE
Not that it's that difficult, it's just a service and a way for folks to get one and have it programmed properly.
This "SAME" helps as it will only go off if it's in your area and not the WHOLE STATE.

From: Sharon Sigmon <wsbswsbs@yahoo.com>
To: tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, November 1, 2010 10:16:09 AM
Subject: [tabtrailers] Re: Weather Radio


Great advice Ken!

With our recent tornadoes here in NC, it reminded us how important a weather radio is regardless if you are camping or not.

My camping to-do list has included getting a weather radio, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Any suggestions from those of you who have one as to the best to get? Will a generic, no frills one work just as well?

I may not get around to purchasing one before my last trip of the season next week, but Santa maybe needs this information...tee hee.

Have a good weekend everyone!!

Sharon in NC
SplashT@B #2487

--- In tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com, Tab Shack <tab_shack@...> wrote:
> Mr Gadget says
> Have a portable weather radio and KNOW what COUNTY you are in and adjoining
> counties
> They don't give weather reports by Campgrounds or Cities
> Know where the high ground is in the campground just in case of a flash flood
> (for yourself not necessarily the camper)
> Happy Trails
> ~ken   a.k.a. Mr Gadget




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