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Re: [tabtrailers] Filling 1lb propane bottles


You should be fine with both cooled-down, (but not with the 1lb warm). As you probably already know, it's very easy to over-fill one of the "disposable" 1lb bottles, be very careful. And do not ever store a re-filled small bottle indoors. Supposedly, it is illegal to transport a re-filled one across state lines. And for most folks, please don't even try, it's not worth the small $ savings and potential danger. Yes, places like Harbor Freight do sell the re-fill devices. But most people are far better off to limit their use of the small disposable cylinders, and simply use a 20lb as much as possible.
David-OKC-TABalloy #905

From: Rogers <issimo1@yahoo.com>
To: tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, January 1, 2011 10:35:39 AM
Subject: [tabtrailers] Filling 1lb propane bottles


Hey, all.

The brain is a bit foggy this fine New Years' morning and I have a question: Is winter, when it's below freezing, a good time to fill the little green 1Lb LP bottles from a 20Lb LP tank? I know you get more in the little bottles when you cool them down and fill them in summer but does it work that way when everything is already cooled down?

Challenged and bored on the prairie,

Jay & Beth



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