--- In AirstreamList@yahoogroups.com, "txiceman1" <ke5dfr@...> wrote:
> Glenn, with these older trailers, you have to find information and help from multiple sources. As the trailer get older, fewer people are around that know much about the trailers.
> I frequent this group to get hep on the non-Air Stream trailers because there are a lot of similar or identical components or issues and Air Stream is still being built. I got a lead on my replacement torsion axles from the Air Stream information.
> So don't run off figuring one place has all of the answers. Also, some of the things you learn can be useful to the Air Stream and Avion folks.
> What is the condition of your cast aluminum door hinges on the SS. If you have any cracked or broken tabs on the hinges, you stand a very real chance of loosing the door while on the road. I worked with a fellow down here in Houston, to developer a stainless steel replacement hinge. Send me a note if you want more info and I'll get you in touch with the right person.
> We need to keep these old silver beauties on the road for a bunch more years because there is nothing like them being built today unless you want to spent a lot of $$$$$$ on a new AS.
> Ken
> 1989 Avion 34V
> Cypress, TX
Hi Ken; Working a 4-12 shift this week or I would have replied sooner. Right on about visiting other web sites, lists etc. Always finding out something new. I've got alot of valuable info. here. Just yesterday found out about a vintage site that Hunter also has. I'm gonna check it out. I've also visited Aluminum Fever and found out and viewed alot of different trailers there,inc. other links. not only A.S.
As far as my door hinges go, if you go to my exterior album and view the pic that has a right side shot partially shined, you can get a good look at my hinges. They arn't cast but strap steel and riveted to the super structsure inside. I know cause I had to remove inside skin to do some repairs as seen in pics. This leads me to believe that they are original maybe? The skin of the door within a door was replaced as described in the pic. Would like to view the SS hinges though.
Glenn P.
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