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Re: [tabtrailers] Re: outside water tank


Maybe a search for external tank...

If you have the time (patience), check the photo files. I want to say that whoever did the mod posted photos (yes, the mod does ring a bell, but it didn't interest me so I didn't pay much attention). If you find photos, do a search based on the name of the person who uploaded the file.

No, not the easy answer, but it's what I have. :-)


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From: "Bert" <marbert@rogers.com>
Sender: tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2011 03:30:37 -0000
To: <tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com>
ReplyTo: tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [tabtrailers] Re: outside water tank


I just searched the list using the subject words, and going back 3 years I only saw references to outside connections for city water, outside manual fill openings, and external grey water tanks. Some of these are also described in files, AA_Modifications and photos, *Modifications-plumbing.

Maybe someone with a functional biological memory can remember something else from further back?


--- In tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com, "lwday2000" <lwday2@...> wrote:
> (Second request)
> Someone on this list posted a how-to on putting the water tank outside. This made a lot of sense but I can't find the posting. Can someone point me in the right direction?
> Lloyd


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