----- Original Message -----From: JohnMSent: Monday, May 30, 2011 12:42 PMSubject: [tabtrailers] Sincerely not nit picking but I am troubled by something on Ready-Set-TowThe mods are done, supplies and recommended equipment tested and loaded, and we are a few days away from the commissioning ceremony and first deployment. I have been studying travel related advice, and contemplating the Ready-Set-Tow list. It includes an item under "Packing Up" - 'Put travel peg in 3-way refrigerator and change to battery'.
My understanding is that the type of fridge on T@Bs should not be used unless the trailer is pretty much level, something I expect will not be the case as we move around our home base in Colorado.
Is it really okay to run the fridge on DC power as you head down the road?
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