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[tabtrailers] Re: Garbage In The Firepits


Alan, you are so right...they do walk among us...and by your experience...they camp among us. People can be just downright disgusting in what they do...and then leave for others to deal with. I work in an elementary school and have seen alot, but this ranks pretty high on the list. We will definitely be checking our firepits from this point on.

--- In tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com, "Alan" <alanjmcd@...> wrote:
> So I'm sitting by my morning campfire this morning wondering why the smell and black smoke, so I dug around a little with my poker and pulled out the charred and smoldering remains of a couple of used diapers!!! How discusting! Who does that!?!? I never saw them beforehand because they were already pretty well burned and blended in with the rest of the ash and burnt wood. Also present were a couple of charred cans and other assorted goodies. Now think about this a minute, this means they threw the diapers in there then THEY sat around the fire while they burned! They didn't just throw them in for the next camper to deal with, they actually sat there burning them! The thing that really bothers me is while sitting around an evening fire we (as do most of us) often times cook weenies or s'mores over the campfire. Well I guess I will think twice before doing that and I will ALWAYS clean the firpit first from now on. They walk among us!
> -Alan



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