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[tabtrailers] Re: Love it when folks want to see our T@B


I am so appreciateive of people who love showing of thier T@bs- I feel like it will be a a weight off me to write this...but awful a the same time:

I dislike giving tours and answering more than a few Questions about our camper.(unless you are seriously interested....then pull up a chair) Which of course seems to contradict everything about our appearance. We have an unusual camper in a "look-at me!!" color (aqua) ( that I love, love, had to have) We decorate our camper & campsite just so, we have a ridiculously cute dog (golden doodle), and are very happy & friendly looking. We say hi to everybody...and yet-

I dread when people come wandering into our site.

I get such a limited amount of time with my husband, sometimes I can barely wait, when we go camping we choose the outer regions if possible, we do all the decorating for me. Sometimes we all get in the camper for a big, delicious cozy camping nap...and KNOCK! knock! knock!!!!


I am always gracious. but rarely pleased. Some say I shouldn't have bought this camper if we did not want the attention, and I used to feel bad, but now I don't worry about it. This was for us, the camper makes us really happy, we have such a blast in it. I have always loved meeting real campers and being a great camper girl, but I don't have to feel like the evening's entertainment. Though it does feel weird to feel like such a celeb at all the campgrounds, see people sneaking by 3 or 4x to look at it......

It just feels so freeeing to say, that I may be the only person who does not love to give tours....who could not care less....
And it serves me right too, for the last two times we camped there have been about 6 unusual campers and I had to hold myself back from wandering up to THEIR campsite and asking to see their baby.

KelliSue, Florida

--- In tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com, "Bev Reger" <tabforfun@...> wrote:
> A coworker of my hubby's came by today, saw him out back checking out the T@B. Hubby comes in and says he needs the key 'cause Joe would like to see the inside. I smile, laugh and remind him....."It's not for sale." 18 more days until we hook 'er up and head for NC. Wahoo!



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