Pam, Jerry and others concerned, I am wondering if being that you said you had water floweing from every where, that maybe the converter has an automatic shut off when something like a water problem has happened and surely could be involved if you had as much water flowing as you said. Did you ever find out yet where the water was leaking from? I know it must be sitting on the floor like the TAB's and TADA's do. ALso how about the little relay switch on the tongue of the trailer, did it also have water involved with your leak? When ours just gave up from being damp all the time, it gave out and we had no power. Just wondering is all. Terry
--- In, "Jerry Jones" <jjerryj@...> wrote:
> T&P, the shore power feeds 120VAC to the outlets in the trailer. When you say you plugged in the space heater, I assume you must have meant the power from the campground outlet? If you plugged it into one of the outlets in either a T@B or a T@DA, and the space heater works, then you do in fact have shore power into the trailer. There are some circuit breakers that are just like the ones at home in the power distribution assembly--try pushing each one completely off and flipping it back on, making sure you push them all the way to the "on" position. Except for the fact that the converter supplies DC power to all the 12V components and to charge the battery, and other than the fact it also needs 120VAC to operate, it is completely separate from the rest of the 120VAC circuits. I don't have a T@DA, but the diagrams in the Electrical troubleshooting folder in the Files section are fairly universal for trailers, according to my research. I believe all the fuses are only for the 12V system.
> Please clarify where you got the power for your electric heater. Do your 12V lights work?
> Maybe Larry Foerster or another T@DA owner with electrical experiencd and better knowledge of the T@DA than I have can jump in and help.
> Let us know what you find, and good luck!!!!
> Jerry J
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: starpam49
> To:
> Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 11:50 AM
> Subject: [tabtrailers] no electricity when plugged in
> This is turning into quite the camping trip. First out water pump flooded the t@da, before we left home, no time to get it fixed so we're doing water jug camping. At home we plugged into the power in the garage, all was well, fridge got cold, had lights. Get to the campground in WI, and plugged into the shore power and had no power. Very cold last night, 29 degrees, same predicted for tonight. Put our space heater on low, snuggled under the quilts and survived the night. This morning, the camp ground guy came and checked out the electric and it is all fine, but still no electricity from shore power in the trailer. No fuses are lit up, showing they are blown, I tripped the reset on the plug by the counter, nothing happen. We have been running the car now and then to keep the battery charged. But really would like to have shore power going to the trailer by tonight. This happened one other time and it was just some simple little thing, but I can't remember what it was. any suggestions are appreciated. The high today is only supposed to be 40. Not a good time to be without full electric power. Once I get this figured out, you can bet I am writing it down.
> I checked the electrical file and did a search but found nothing on this issue. I apologize if there is already something similar out there and I couldn't find it.
> T & P
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