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[tabtrailers] Re: Fridge When Towing -- Full or Empty?


We have puller our T@B over 5,000 miles in the last 60 days and have never had an incident.
We also use zip lock bags and plastic containers but do carry some things in glass, but we're usually pretty full so the only trick is sometimes opening the door when stoping for the night.
We Have an extreme cooler for water, pop and beer!

--- In tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com, Vctdrp <vctdrp@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> We pack the frig. full when traveling...milk, juice, creamer, cold cuts and anything else we can fit in there.
> We put the lock on it and haven't had any problems. I don't pack any glass items though.
> Vickie/DE
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karen <canoe123@...>
> To: tabtrailers <tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Wed, Jun 1, 2011 9:52 am
> Subject: Re: [tabtrailers] Fridge When Towing -- Full or Empty?
> I've never had any problems. I don't put glass container where they will bump each other. I did have things slide out of the small freezer and had things thaw so I use a couple of small towels to insulate and hold them in place up there
> Sent from my iPod
> On Jun 1, 2011, at 4:58 AM, "Paul Arnold" <paul.f.arnold@...> wrote:
> > We are on the cusp of taking off on an extended trip with our (still new to us) T@B. We know we can keep the fridge turned on on when towing (set to battery power and turned off when stopping for a while), but we are concerned about leaving food in the fridge. Visions of a mess to clean up pop into our heads -- spilled milk, broken bottles of (fill in the blank). Even with our new shocks, there is apt to be some bouncing around.
> >
> > One solution would be to remove the food and put in a cooler when towing, but that means fooling with the ice problem. Another might be leave the food in the fridge but pad it, as when one packs a box for mailing. Stuffing wadded newspaper or packing paper in the fridge occurred to me, but there may be a better solution. On the other hand, maybe the bounces from towing are not, on a practical level, a problem.
> >
> > We are curious how other people handle this issue.
> >
> > ~Paul and Carol
> >
> >
> >
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> >

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