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[A/S] Converter / Charger


There are several brands of "smart converter/charger on the market.

My new converter/charger arrived today. My plan is to cut off the face/connectors of the original
and connect the new charger to it and in this way I still have the fuzes and color codes
that tells me what each wire is and where it leads.

The primary (trailer battery} poles are marked on the front and to my way of thinking all I need to do is connect the charger to the back of the board. BUT.... there are three lugs. There two larger lugs , 1/4 in and one 1/8 in. lug. The larger two came , one each, off the black things with fins, rectifiers maybe.
These lugs have to supply 12 volts to the the pump, lights and all other 12 volt stuff. I haven't looked closely at the way the lugs are connected as yet and the converter has another set of pos and neg connections available . I expect to strap the larger lugs but have to ground the fuze board somewhere. I don't expect that I am the first to try this so any experience would be appreciated.

Steve Bray
Jackson, Tennessee
1972 23 ft. Safari

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