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[A/S] Maiden voyage, refer issues


Well, took my 1995 29' Airstream Classic out for her Maiden trip to the lake! Trailer had been sitting for about 4 years so I had it gone trough at the only Airstream repair facility in OKC Griffith RV. Cost me a pretty penny but many issues were found and fixed so well worth the money spent.
Temp. was about 104 F. outside kept the AC working overtime to keep it at about 88F inside. The ref. however stayed above 50 F. until the 3rd day which then came down to about 40 F. I have a interior dual fan installed on the fins, the trailer is level, I left the outside ref. compartment door open also. The freezer stayed at about 20 F. enough to keep everything frozen. Could it be the ref. just needs run for awhile? I called Griffinths & they didn't have any new ideas. HELP???
Any ideas?



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