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Hello from Minneapolis!

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Hello from Minneapolis!

What have I been doing since my last update? Driving, driving, driving and driving. I have literally driven from Quebec City to Minneapolis, including two days of marathon driving from Toronto to Minneapolis on Friday and Saturday.

My normal make-it-up-as-I-go-along strategy hasn't worked very well on this trip. I totally underestimated the amount of driving I would have to do and the time it would take to visit the places I wanted to go. As a result I haven't been able to meet up with as many people as I would have liked.

I am in Minneapolis for the wedding of my college roommage. It was nice to be able to meet up with my roommates, some of whom I haven't seen in years. I also was able to attend the Minnesota State Fair, which is for my money, the best in the USA.

Next week I'll be in Wisconsin at my mother's house editing photos and catching up on all the writing I wasn't able to do the last few weeks because I've been sitting in a car several hours a day. On September 13 I'll be leaving for a 2 week trip to South Africa!

Until next time...

Travel safe,

Daily Travel Photos
August 23JerusalemOld City Jerusalem
August 24 Glacier National ParkGlacier National Park
August 25Paris, FranceParis, France
August 26Cairo, EgyptCairo, Egypt
August 27Grand Canyon, ArizonaGrand Canyon, Arizona
August 28Brussels, BelgiumBrussels, Belgium
August 29Borobudur, IndonesiaBorobudur, Indonesia

My First Article At the Huffington Post

The big news for me this week was the publication of my first article for the Huffington Post: 20 Things I've Learned From Traveling Around the World for Three Years. For a brief period of time, it was the most popular article on the Huffington Post, one of the largest sites on the internet. It has been shared and liked on Facebook almost 17,000 times, was mentioned on Twitter over 12,000 times and over 52,000 people read it from StumbleUpon. In total, I estimate over 500,000 people read the artice.

Please check it out and if you enjoy it, please share it with your friends.

[Read The Article Now]
What's Popular On The Forum

The Everything Everywhere Travel Forum is a place for travelers to ask questions and share information about traveling. Here are some of the popular disucssions from the previous week:

Podcast: This Week in Travel, Episode 51

This week's guest is National Geographic ombudsman, MSNBC travel writer and consumer advocate Chris Elliott.

This week's news:

Picks of the week:

[Listen to it now...]

World Heritage Site of the Week
East Rennell (Solomon Islands)

East Rennell

This is a photo of Lake Lake Te Nggano on the island of Rennell in the Solomon Islands. The lake is a brackish water lake which is about 100m above sea level. The lake is home to the widest diversity of birds in the Pacific. The World Heritage Site is unique for many reasons, not the least of which is that it is the only location which is owned by customary land ownership. The people of Rennell are Polynesian, where as the rest of the Solomons are Melanesian. The remoteness of the island, coupled with the 100m cliffs surrounding the island, and the customary land ownership has protected the island from logging and mining, whereas the rest of the Solomons has been severely deforested.

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