My bad!! :(
From: Mervyn Lim <>
Sent: Tue, August 31, 2010 3:58:25 PM
Subject: Re: [tabtrailers] Re: Hi Group
The TS (Bathroom model) is shipped with an extra piece of board that goes between the seat (closest to the door) and AC/floor cabinet. This allows the bed to be setup to 80" along the length of the T@B with a width of 40" at the narrowest part. Having said all these, we sleep across the wide of the T@B because our two Golden Retrievers sleep inside on the floor.
Please refer to the link below for a photo of the arrangement:
We have this model not by choice but by default because we got the very last T@B in the BC mainland. In any case, we are happy we did! :)
BTW, I noticed that the production date on ours is August, 2009 and is likely put together with whatever was left. It came with a T@DA style frame and electric brakes meaning that I need to use a brake controller (IMHO not necessary a bad thing).
Anyway, happy hunting and if you use, you may see quite a few T@B's on offer across the US:
From: robert <>
Sent: Tue, August 31, 2010 3:05:22 PM
Subject: [tabtrailers] Re: Hi Group
Turning the other way didn't seem to be an option.. maybe they didn't have the bed set-up correctly. Oh well... I'll keep listening and learning.
--- In, "Daina" <baker.daina@...> wrote:
> Robert,
> Why didn't you turn the other way with your feet towards the door? We have the bathroom model and that's how we sleep. We find it plenty long. The space taken up by the Coolcat doesn't even bother us.
> Daina
> --- In, "robert" <the_saint_urho@> wrote:
> >
> > I didn't even try to use the facilities... it was the sleeping quarters I found cramped at only 70" it was a little short for me.
> >
> > --- In, Nancy Martin <heynanc@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > > As an owner of one of those rare potty tabs, I have to ask the 6'2" gentleman who found it cramped, if the TAB owners had taken the door off and replaced it with cloth. I'm only 5'7", and I know both TAWANDA tab owner Amy and I (Malibu Barbie Camper) have ditched the doors in favor of a hanging cloth. It serves the only function (visual privacy) the door did, with less weight, less awkward entry, and less inconvenience.
> > >
> > > Of course, my door is carefully wrapped and stored, in case when I'm done with my TAB the next owner wants the challenge of maneuvering around the door. Likewise, the TAB table is carefully stored and I have one of those nice plastic adjustable folding ones. I went to Plank rail and boards.
> > >
> > > Nancy
> > >
> >
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