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[tabtrailers] Re: Need Replacement Black Rubber Exterior Strips



Is there somewhere we can add this information from Paula? This subject comes up at least once a month and it would be helpful if we could refer folks to a file with part names, part numbers, telephone numbers, etc. I know we talked about a file of this type at one time, but I don't recall if it was ever created.

Just a thought...

Sharon in NC
SplashT@B #2487

--- In tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com, "p_o_jones" <p_o_jones@...> wrote:
> My husband and I just had this problem. We contacted Joni, at Dutchman, who gave us this info:
> Part# 05594, #1.72 per foot plus shipping
> We called our local Dutchman repair shop with that part number (you can find your local shop on the Dutchman website). Our shop took our credit card over the phone and the part was shipped to our door from Dutchman within 2 weeks.
> My dad (a mechanical engineer) suggested we attach it using silicone sealer in the groove where it attaches to help it stay. I know others have suggested using Shoe Goo. Basically, reinforcing it is a good idea.
> Best of luck!
> -Paula
> --- In tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com, meskue@ wrote:
> >
> > Hello, my black rubber strips on the exterior came undone in Big Sur. Some are completely gone, and the others I duct-taped down (I know, terrible, but I was desperate) until I could find a permanent solution. Any suggestions on where I can purchase new ones? Thanks very much.
> > Michele Grey, Creamsicle
> >



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