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Re: [tabtrailers] Hand brake


I don't use my hand brake at all except for moving the T@B about by hand. After the chocks are in place, or it is coupled to the hitch ball, I make a habit of releasing it. Even so, I highly recommend everyone use the ReadySetTow checklist that Sandra and Ella were so kind to made up--especially the Dummy Check, where you take another check after thinking you've already taken care of the items the first time around. The hand brake go and stop positions are also there. I also follow Sandra's advice about using the rear view mirrors to see that the wheels are turning freely when starting out. Also, as Sandra suggests, a periodic check of the linkage is a good idea.
Jerry J 
----- Original Message -----
From: Rich Wayne
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [tabtrailers] Hand brake


I found also that leaving it in place for too long  - like several months caused the brakes to stay engaged after I let down the lever - took a while (and a hammer ) to free up the brakes from the brake drum.

--- On Thu, 3/31/11, Richard Schoon <bigpicture88@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Richard Schoon <bigpicture88@yahoo.com>
Subject: [tabtrailers] Hand brake
To: tabtrailers@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, March 31, 2011, 1:51 PM

Going down the hwy with the brake on can really ruin my day and more.Burned out drums and axles is a real bummer.This I know will sooner or late happen if I use the hand brake "regularly". Thus I only use the hand brake while I'm unhooked.When I re-hook, I make an effort to not get the hitch right under the ball thus requireing me to move the T@B at least a little bit which in turn makes me release the brake on the trailer.I think this a good policy for all T@B owners

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