Gee sorry I thought this was for all
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Karen,That is great that you are all squared away and operate it safetly now. The post was for those not as fortunate.I am glad you love the Jockey wheel design and it works for you now, but did the manual say go see an engineer for some miracle lube before operating? This is for newbies regarding this inferior design. You can still move it around all you want with an electric jack. I am glad you didn't get hurt, but you are not the first for that to happen to.I do know how to use the jockey wheel and maintain it and I did use it for years without a bungee, but my question is WHY fight with something in the heat when all you have to do is press a button.Electric stabilizers are next. :)MarilynCape cod MA
Sent from my iPadI too like the jockey wheel, being able to move the trailer around is a wonderful thing. Most problems people have with the wheel assembly are caused by not servicing it, yes, I know there is no info to do this. However, right after I got my trailer I was hooking up and it collapsed to the ground, I had to jack it up with my TV jack and I was literally AFRAID of it after that.At a rally I had the good fortune of having Jim the engineering whiz tell me that the assembly and especially the part that secures the wheel in place needed to be cleaned and lubricated. He did that for me and showed me how to visually check to be sure the clamp is tightened up to the tube. He said they have never bungeed or secured their wheel in any way except with the mechanism included in the wheel assembly and have gone on rough roads and long trips, and never a problem.I was so glad to learn that I didn't do anything wrong, it just didn't tighten down because it was bound up and I had tighted it as hard as I could, but it didn't really tighten because the screw thing was bound up.I hardly ever bungee my wheel now, only if I think of it and am feeling insecure for whatever reason, no problems ever again, I also bought one of his two ball levers and put the original one away.Jim, or Pat, if you read this, what was the name of that miracle lube he used, wish I had bought some, but he said I wouldn't need it for years.Now, if I can just get those stabilizers lubed correctly, that will be a big dirty job, I tried it early this spring, but I should have cleaned them off good before applying the graphite.Thanks Jim and Pat for all of your work and tips and expertise in everything camping and T@B!!!KarenSo Utah
From: Richard Lewis <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sat, May 28, 2011 7:25:48 AM
Subject: Re: [tabtrailers] JOCKEY WHEEL SOLUTION for newbies
Marilyn - for us the wheel is pretty important and the wheel needs to be large and supportive - which the Busy Outdoors HD one we bought is. My wife Sue believes that the T@B is like a piece of furniture in her living room - subject to movement. "Let's move it over here - no it looks better over there - no the view is not quite perfect yet - now let's turn it around 180 degrees to get the door on the opposite side - oh now the shade is on the wrong side now - let's turn it back the other way so this picnic table is on the other side..."Seriously, we usually spend several minutes of hand moving - most of which would be impossible to do without the wheel and it is just as easy to have one of the wing nut attached add-on wheels fall off the end of the electric jack shaft and smash your hand.Anyway, I'm glad this works out for you and I can see that you have grown comfortable with that solution - I looked into this and could not see it working as well for us.RichardFrom: Marilyn <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2011 4:27 AM
Subject: Re: [tabtrailers] JOCKEY WHEEL SOLUTION for newbies
Richard,Forget the jockey wheel.......just because it came with one doesn't mean you need one.Although a good question ..... I have never had the need to move my small trailer around, However anyone can replace the foot that comes with the jack with a wheel. No problem. It was such an easy installation. In my case ( T 16 queen), the 12 v jack is only 12 inches from the power source( battery).I place the jack on a one foot piece of choice deck material that makes the jack very easy to slide for minor adjustment, which I rarely do.MarilynCape cod MATabamisu
Sent from my iPadThe electric jack is a pretty drastic mod. How are you moving the trailer after that is fitted? that is what kind of jockey wheel are you fitting to the jack to be able to move the trailer around?From: mally0909 <>
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 2:42 PM
Subject: [tabtrailers] JOCKEY WHEEL SOLUTION for newbies
STEP 1 Support tongue with jack and sturdy blocks.
STEP 2 Remove Jockey Wheel, throw it to the curb for the trash guy and don't forget to include the imfamous Bungee cord!!!..... I mean any standard operating procedure which requires a bungee cord or duct tape I am not comfortable with.
STEP 3 Remove plastic shroud
STEP 4 Weld Electric Jack ...~$250 installed
STEP 5 Press a button and have a beer
After a friend of mine broke their finger manually raising the jockey wheel and collaping on his finger, I immediately made the switch. Best thing I ever did.
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