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Re: [A/S] Re: Maiden voyage, refer issues


I guess the idea is to go where the weather is better!!!

It was 109 here in San Antonio, NM today. My antique AC will get it down
to about 85, which is all you can really expect. Once the sun goes
behind the hills, it does better. I have that silver bubble insulation
in sheets to fit each window, held on by an attractive assortment of
bungee chords. They are on the outside of the glass and make a huge
difference in the amount of heat that comes through the windows. I also
have a fan hung up which circulates the air, and that helps too.

A shade tree will help a lot!!

As for the fridge, first of all, it can take over 24 hours for the
fridge to come down to temp when you first start it up.

You need a fan to help move the air in the back, normally the heat from
the coils rises on its own, but at these temps, it needs help to
dissipate the heat it generates. 12 v muffin fans or the cool fans made
for this that are solar powered would be good, blowing up over the coils.

You also need one of those dinky fans for inside the fridge. It runs on
2 D batteries and move the air around in there enough to get it past the
cooling fins. I put mine on the bottom of the fridge, blowing up. I can
maintain 40 in there with this set up.


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