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RE: [A/S] Re: Tow vehicle advice needed


mary e bennett wrote:
> Hunter, Is the newer Chevy/GM Duramax/Allison combo as good as in the
> 2008 truck?? Every where I have gone over the past three years and
> talked about wanting a truck to pull a 30' airstream, folks have
> universally encouraged the purchase of a used 2008 Chevy 2500!
> Would love to hear anyone's thoughts. THanks in advance!
> maryb...still lurking but have decided on the 27' and not the 30'
> Classic...so I am making progress! Now living full time in my 2005
> Rialta FD.

I tow a 30' Flying Cloud with a 2011 Chevy Duramax. I have owned Chevy,
Ford, and Dodge and I test drove all three before I bought this truck. The
Ford had an awesome interior, the Dodge was even nicer, but neither had the
power and the transmission that the Chevy has. (Unlike Hunter, I found the
Chevy to be way cheaper because they really load up the Fords with options
around here) The Allison has a tow/haul mode that is perfect for the trailer
and the truck has an exhaust brake that is wonderful in the hills. My truck
is a one ton dually, which some would say is overkill, but it sure is nice
out on the road. No Hensley hitch, no weight distribution hitch, just hook
it up and go. Crosswinds and hills are absolutely no problem. A good
friend is a firefighter and over the last 25 years he says he has seen
dozens of pickups and trailers turned over, but never a dually. That was
good enough for me. I can't speak for the difference from 2008 as my 2008
Chevy had a gas engine. I got tired of straining its guts out every time I
got to a hill and went back to a diesel for the new one. I agree with
others on the forum that a pickup is the way to go. Chevy, Ford, or Dodge,
you really can't go wrong as they all have their strengths and weaknesses.

Dan Ruehs

Copper Canyon TX

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