The engine in the 95 Suburban is a 5.7L with the throttle body , not the vortech version.
Truthfully, I am rather skeptical of these 'wonder products' which is why I asked. Once
I get a day, with some good weather, I will do a complete tune up and check my mileage
again. 16.4 MPG is fairly good, for one of these beasts, from what other digging I've done.
The thing only has 59000 miles on it and still is running on the original GM plugs, wires, etc.
Other than the battery and the AC compressor, the thing appears to be 100% as it left the
factory. Once I have a good and full tune up on this thing I am going to add a cruise control.
However, if anyone has had any experience with the 'wonder chips' on the 5.7 tbi gas engine
I'd like to hear about it, as curiosity, if nothing else.
From: Hunter Hampton <>
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [A/S] Tow Vehicle Progress & Question Aftermarket "Power Chip" Cautions
Michael Keith wrote:
> The CTS you speak of HAD a chip in in it with special programing. Top
> Gear (the real one , not the American remake) tried to do the run with a
> stock CTS and it missed the mark by a long shot. That's not to say chips
> are for everyone, if you drive like a madman then your going to tear
> things up. >
Just had this discussion on the powerstroke list...... many feel that
chips and such caused the 6.0 and 6.4 engines to fail.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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