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Re: [A/S] New batteries


Gluing and screwing a doubler piece to the existing floor would be a good second choice.
If the batteries in question are truly sealed, Aluminum stock would be OK to corral them.
If you do go that route, be sure that you are gluing bare wood to bare wood not to paint.
(for good or ill I tend to think of this stuff in terms of ship board practice)

From: Tony Turner <turners@escapees.com>
To: AirstreamList@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [A/S] New batteries


On Jan 22, 2012, at 10:09 PM, ray bee wrote:

I would be inclined to get some steel 1.5-2" angle stock, drill and tap
into the frame, to construct a shallow box to keep them in place. You
can then attach a hold down to the angle stock. I would think that
would be as close to bullet proof as possible.

That would be near bullet proof alright but heavy. I'm doing everything I can to keep weight down. Two of the old batteries were not restrained at all and never moved in over 8 years on the road. Well the 00 welding cable did restrain them some. I'm just looking for something that would keep them in place in case of an accident. If it's a really bad accident it wouldn't matter, the trailer would be totaled anyway. A piece of 1" aluminum angle about 4" long on each side would be enough with some kind of strap over the top. It's attaching it to the ⅝" plywood floor that's the concern. The best way to do it would be to open up the belly pan and add a ¾" hardwood doubler from underneath. I choose not to do it that way. The steel trailer frame is not exactly under the area where the batteries must live, but close. So I might be able to tie one side into the trailer frame. Then I might glue and screw a doubler on top of the floor for the
other side… still thinking about this.

Thanks for your input,
2000 Airstream Classic 28'
2009 Chevy Duramax / Allison

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