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Re: [A/S] Tire Pressure and Nitrogen


On 5/1/2012 12:10 PM, Oliver Filippi wrote:
> I have a totally different view of tire pressure.
> Recognize (as has already been pointed out) that maximum inflation pressures
> increase tire life, as the higher pressure reduces flexing of the rubber
> (which is the main cause of heat build up in tires) and the associated
> damage.
That makes sense.
> Inflate your tires with nitrogen to the maximum pressure on the tire
> sidewall (most airplanes and race cars use nitrogen) and the maximum tire
> pressure will not vary very much - less heat and no moisture in the
> inflating gas. [The "hot" and "cold" pressures become a non issue.]
Not much hope of doing that here at Big Bend NP......
> So far as ride is concerned, modern tires are designed to provide "softer"
> rides at higher inflation pressures (and less rolling resistance and better
> fuel economy).
> The ride of the vehicle is more a function of spring rates and shock
> absorber damping characteristics than tire pressure.
> So, tire pressure is a minor parameter, compared to what it was years ago
> with bias ply tires and air inflation. Instead, go for improved tire life
> and function.
Thanks, Oliver.


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