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[A/S] Progress and a couple questions


I am somewhat familiar with weight distribution and ballance calculations. 
I had to take a couple ME courses, back in my slide rule and log table days.
I am trying to find a trailer, the same way I got the Suburban. I figured out
what I really needed to do, then I went looking for something that would do
it, with a 'comfortable' reserve. Ergo; the Suburban.

My target is a 25'-29' trailer in the mid 4000Lb. range. The Tradewind,
Overlander, and Ambassador units pretty well hit the low, mid, and high
of that spectrum. Ideally, I'd prefer to really do as little modifying as possible
but one thing I really need is 10-12+ CuFt fridge. That does not seem
to exist in the RV Universe.

What I am trying to do is come up with a 'design center' set of values
that can be shrunk or expanded a bit. That is why I am looking at the
27' Overlander as a starting point. I am definitely open to suggestions.
I'm an engineer (electrical) and a pretty good mechanic, carpenter,
plumber, etc but otherwise I am really a bit out of my element on this
stuff. Hence the occasional 'reality check'.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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